Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sunday, happy Sunday

How do babies know to wake up right when Mommy sits down to finish the newsletter? To use teen-speak, brb....

Saturday, March 21, 2009

worst mommy moment of 2009 (so far anyway)

On Thursdays Owen goes to school. Last Thursday I dressed Owen in plaid shorts and a t-shirt (it was supposed to be hot). Owen decided he didn't like what he was wearing and changed into fleece sweats and a sweater, oh and snow boots. After much battling we compromised on the sweats and a different t-shirt. When he came out with an Iron Man t-shirt, I groaned inwardly. Owen's school frowns on superhero clothes (because boys act like superheros when they see them. As if they didn't act like superheros anyway). That's when I made a bad choice. I decided to shift the burden to his teacher. When we got to school I asked the teacher if she could tell him that superhero shirts weren't allowed. I figured she'd pull him aside and ask him to change. Not exactly. She told him in front of all the kids that superhero clothes were not allowed and would he rather turn his shirt inside out, or change. I knew immediately that I had made a mistake. I should've taken care of it myself. As it was, he got so embarassed and started crying. I never should've asked someone else to parent my child. We would've battled some more but at least I would have saved him that moment of embarassment and being upset. Lesson learned.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

No complaints here

I have two boys who are good eaters. I bought the Deceptively Delicious cookbook in preparation for hiding veggies, but the boys eat broccoli, spinach, carrots, tomatoes, and tons of fruit. However, I would like to branch out even farther into, say...tofu, or hummus, or papaya and kiwi. Big O won't eat mango. How can you not like mango?! It's like candy. From what I can understand, it's not the taste he objects to, it's the texture. He's always been a texture-picky eater. He doesn't like mashed potatoes (I know, weird) because of the texture. Any ideas to incorporate tofu?