There are only so many hours in a day right? Well a mom has extra hours because we don't sleep ;) However I think about my days and see that I didn't make the homemade granola, or crochet a winter beanie for Chloe-girl, or any of the other hundred projects I have pending. And sometimes I do have a spare 30 or 60 minutes that could be put towards one of these projects, and I think I should update the kids' baby books, or make a cardboard kitchen (one of the many projects I've clipped from a magazine and filed in my "Project Binder". Which also needs to be updated). Instead I read a book, or have a snack and read the paper, or catch up on my blogs. So basically it's, "I could do [insert project name here] but I can't because I need some time that is only for me". All of my projects are fun and I'll enjoy doing them when I finally get to them but sometimes I just need to do nothing. Don't we all?
Now where's my crochet bag? I have a winter beanie to finish, right after I check my facebook :)