What's that saying about the "best laid plans of mice and men"? I don't know if we are the mice or the men, but all my plans of summer study have gone awry. Since the spring I have been reading tips on maintaining academics over the summer, articles on how much knowledge kids lose over the summer, and how to avoid it. I have workbooks for Liam, had planned reading time for Owen, and even planned out how the study sessions would go: the babies would nap in the afternoon at which point the boys would convene at the kitchen table (I would of course teach Owen the meaning of "convene" as well as its antonym... and the meaning of "antonym"). I would have milk and cookies to motivate them, then we would learn for an hour or so. Very idyllic, no? Well it hasn't happened yet. I console myself with throwing the occasional question at Liam - what shape is that? How do you spell your name? What letter is that? etc. Owen is reading everything, including what I don't want him to read (like the fat-free ranch dressing bottle: "it's not fat-free, it's regular", "yes it is Mommy, it says 'fat-free' on the bottle").
We still have three weeks left of summer. Do we cram, or do we continue with our current schedule of scooters, popsicles, and playdates? I think the answer is obvious. I do love a good popsicle :)