Friday, November 20, 2009

more Owen-isms

Today we are sitting at the table "working". I am balancing the checkbook (I know, so responsible right? Just wait...Oprah doesn't come on for another 45 min. Ha-ha), and Owen and Liam are coloring in their coloring books. It's such a nice, kind of quiet, industrious time. Then Owen looks up and says,

"Mommy, I hope I don't become a teenager."

Me: "Why?"

Owen: "Because the guy at the karate show said teenagers are shady and bluh-bluh." (this is said with much hand waving and some muttering. He probably didn't catch exactly what the guy said, which was along the lines of teenagers not watching where they're walking).

Me: "yeah, I hope you don't become a teenager either".

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Mommy, Look!

Owen's favorite two words are "Mommy, look!" (actually "wook" because he still can't say his "Ls", which I LOVE). He says it when he is racing his cars on the kitchen floor while I'm cooking dinner, "Mommy, look. Which one is going to win the race? Limousine or Speed Race Purple Fast? (he names his cars, cute right?!) Mommy. Mommy. Mommy. Look!" Then he keeps checking to make sure I'm looking.
Sometimes in the afternoon he watches a movie while Liam is napping. I should be making dinner, or folding laundry, or any one of a thousand household chores, but instead I sit on the couch and read. It's such a treat to sit and read in the middle of the day, but the price for this luxury is several "Mommy, Look!", as in "Mommy, look, Mater is going to fly to the moon", or "Mommy, look, the tractors are going to tip over". I don't mind because I figure I brought him into this world, I may as well let him show me it (Reader's Digest wisdom). What is funny is that he has caught on to the fact that I don't really look. If I'm reading, I'll say "oh wow" or "cool" without moving my eyes from the page. Now he says "look, look) and he keeps turning his head to make sure I'm looking at what he wants me to see. I can see his head out of the corner of my eye swiveling back and forth making sure I'm wooking.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Rhythm is gonna getcha

Lately Owen has been more aware of the "Mommy" music in the car. The other day Loren and I were singing the chorus from "We're Not Gonna Take It" (Twisted Sister - yeah!), and Owen asked me "what?". So I said, "what what?", and Owen said "not gonna take what?". We laughed, and said "it".
Then today he asked me if Christmas was here, and I said "not yet", and he said "but the radio said 'Christmas is here'" (yes, I was listening to Christmas music, and yes I know it's not even Thanksgiving yet, and yes, I know my Dad would rather poke his eye with a sharp stick than listen to Christmas carols on Nov 4th, and this is not even the point of this blog).
So as an ode to Owen, enjoy this video (and remember to turn off any songs with questionable lyrics you don't want to explain to a four-year old).