Monday, February 25, 2008


I tried to post a video of Owen singing "itsy bitsy spider" but I couldn't get my video to upload.  I tried uploading directly to this blog, and I tried using Youtube but nothing worked.  You all will have to imagine in your head how cute it is, meanwhile I'll keep trying. 
So a funny thing happened on the way to bed Saturday night.  I went to check on Owen before going to bed.  I opened his door and he was lying in bed with no clothes on!  No diaper, no jammies, nothing.  Apparently he had peed in his diaper and it woke him up (good thing) so he took everything off (bad thing).  It was really funny at the time.  I called Loren and we took pictures and everything.  It wasn't as cute when it happened again at 4 am.  Or again this morning.  He's totally potty trained during the day, but he still has to wear a diaper at night when he sleeps.  Apparently all our talk about being a big boy and going pee pee in the potty has sunk in a little too well.  We'll see what happens tonight.
Speaking of tonight, I think it's a little crazy that it's quarter to eleven at night and both boys are still awake. I have no idea what is going with Owen.  We put him to bed at 8, by the time Loren read him his stories and sang his songs it was almost nine.  Why in the world is he still awake???  

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