I just realized that my last blog post is from the last major holiday. Kind of sad. If you only knew how many posts I have composed in my head during this past month. Had I actually gotten them typed, you would have laughed and cried, or at least been a little amused.
So one hour into my favorite holiday of the year I would like to wish the world a Merry Christmas and a wonderful, spectacular, happy, and healthy new year. 2009 is going to be great. Beginnings are always good, and change is in the air. So is our breath because it's actually cold here. Yay! A cold California christmas! See, the change has already begun.
My children are one of these things at some point every day. This is my story of who and when.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
What is the saddest breakfast of the year?
Thanksgiving, because I don't want to fill up before the yummies to come later. Today it was one egg and one slice of toast.
What is the best breakfast of the year?
The day after Thanksgiving, because I eat leftovers. Stuffing and turkey breast, with a little cranberry sauce on top for flavor :-)
I wish you all a day filled with much love and joy! xoxo to all, you are in our hearts on this special day of thanks for all the blessings in our life.
Thanksgiving, because I don't want to fill up before the yummies to come later. Today it was one egg and one slice of toast.
What is the best breakfast of the year?
The day after Thanksgiving, because I eat leftovers. Stuffing and turkey breast, with a little cranberry sauce on top for flavor :-)
I wish you all a day filled with much love and joy! xoxo to all, you are in our hearts on this special day of thanks for all the blessings in our life.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
too bad, so sad
That is what my new online addiction says to this blog. I have been playing Mah-Jong online and I am so addicted. I love it. It's probably not like the real thing (I've never played) but it's fun. And when you win, a volcano erupts. How's that for validation?!
Actually I have wanted our family to begin playing [real] games more often. We love board games but don't play enough. I am thinking Loren and I should start with Scrabble. When we have a group we can play Cranium or Pictionary. We played a DVD game with E and B once and that was fun too. So the gauntlet has been thrown...if you come to visit us, prepare to game!
So last Sunday was Liam's first birthday (WooHoo!). We had fun, thanks to all who came! Here are some pix of the bday boy on his special day, one of big brother enjoying himself. Also one of Owen at his preschool's Chapel day. His class was in front singing a song, and you can see how involved Owen is in the production. Whatever else he may be, he is certainly not a sheep.
Actually I have wanted our family to begin playing [real] games more often. We love board games but don't play enough. I am thinking Loren and I should start with Scrabble. When we have a group we can play Cranium or Pictionary. We played a DVD game with E and B once and that was fun too. So the gauntlet has been thrown...if you come to visit us, prepare to game!
So last Sunday was Liam's first birthday (WooHoo!). We had fun, thanks to all who came! Here are some pix of the bday boy on his special day, one of big brother enjoying himself. Also one of Owen at his preschool's Chapel day. His class was in front singing a song, and you can see how involved Owen is in the production. Whatever else he may be, he is certainly not a sheep.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Having kids means...
putting your cold foot into your warm Uggs, only to find them full of army men and Backyardigans.
Were they having a battle strategy session?
Armion: I say we attack the boots first. That will leave the wedges open and vulnerable
Pablo: Maybe we should take out the flip flops, they're not supported at all.
Uniqua: You're both wrong, let's bring down the sneakers. That way nobody can run out for backup
ps: "armion" is how Owen says "army men". Obviously he heard it as one word the first time, and we never correct him when he makes up cute words like that. I love Owen-isms.
Were they having a battle strategy session?
Armion: I say we attack the boots first. That will leave the wedges open and vulnerable
Pablo: Maybe we should take out the flip flops, they're not supported at all.
Uniqua: You're both wrong, let's bring down the sneakers. That way nobody can run out for backup
ps: "armion" is how Owen says "army men". Obviously he heard it as one word the first time, and we never correct him when he makes up cute words like that. I love Owen-isms.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
bland, or surprisingly nutritious?
Liam boy decided that all he wants to eat today is tofu. That and breast milk has been the main source of sustenance today. Oatmeal (finely ground by moi to appeal to his tiny palette) with organic blueberries earned me a scrunched up mouth. Chicken and Stars (a perennial kids' fave, no?) didn't merit a second bite; and he wouldn't deign to share my turkey burger patty. So Mommy brought out the big guns - baked tofu and water in a sippy cup. The prince ate and was happy.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
One of the best compliments I've received:
Owen: Mommy, you make the goodest food I like!
a few seconds, and two bites later,
Owen: mmm-mm, Mommy, you make the best food in the world!
You guys didn't know I was so talented in the kitchen right?!
I'm sure you're wondering what kind of gourmet dish I serve my family. Well, wonder no more; this wondrous dish was ... rice mixed with corn.
Owen: Mommy, you make the goodest food I like!
a few seconds, and two bites later,
Owen: mmm-mm, Mommy, you make the best food in the world!
You guys didn't know I was so talented in the kitchen right?!
I'm sure you're wondering what kind of gourmet dish I serve my family. Well, wonder no more; this wondrous dish was ... rice mixed with corn.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
the next eval knieval?
This is Owen on his scooter at the park. He saw a "big boy" doing this so he wanted to try. I laugh everytime I think of it.
apologies for the quality - it's from my cellphone
apologies for the quality - it's from my cellphone
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
other people's blogs
I have been so into reading other blogs that I am not even writing my own. Often I'm reading one, say "manic mommies" and I'll click a link into another one and I start reading that one, for instance, dooce.com. I actually found myself reading some brazilian au pair's blog about her first Halloween in the U.S. Aren't we interested in other people's lives?!
Monday, September 29, 2008
I'd lose my head if it wasn't attached to my body
So last week I lost my ring (still heartbroken every time I think of it). Saturday I lost my digital camera. With tons of pix still not downloaded to iphoto. I went to a little cousin's bday party and left it on one of the tables. Unfortunately there were alot of people there, as well as rented tables and chairs so.... I am hoping that someone picked it up by accident and maybe still hasn't realized they have my camera. It's filled with pictures of the boys so it will be obvious as soon as they look at the pix. Here's hoping against hope.
Speaking of pictures, I think Liam needs to get some face time on the ol' blog so here goes:

Speaking of pictures, I think Liam needs to get some face time on the ol' blog so here goes:
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
It's Fall!!!!
I love Fall - the (imagined) cooler weather, the scent of chimney smoke in the evening air, the pumpkin spice lattes at Starbucks, just everything! September through December are my favorite months. So. Cal. doesn't really do Autumn, mainly in the sense that it's still 75 degrees outside. i bought the cutest jean jacket for Owen but he won't wear it for more than ten minutes in the morning. I can get him to wear it for about ten minutes in the morning but then off it comes. And I'm looking forward to wearing my new scarf (bday gift - thank you Loren).
However our home is definitely in Halloween mode, and that's fall-y. Owen is going to be Spiderman for Halloween and we already have his costume (yay Costco). He asks to wear it every day, but I want it to be somewhat of a treat (no pun intended) when he wears it on the 31st. So far he's worn it twice, and looks so cute. Liam is going to be a giraffe, if we can get ourselves over to storage to root out the Halloween box. Enjoy the pix of the cutest boy below.
In other news, I joined Goodreads.com which is a totally cool website that lets you see what your "friends" are reading. If anybody cares to join me, invite me to be your friend. So far I only have about three or four books on my shelf but as anyone who knows me knows, that is the tippiest tip of the iceberg. I mainly joined to get recommendations for my next read. If you want to know what I'm reading now, you'll have to check out my bookshelf. (note to Stewart: there are no cereal boxes on my bookshelf).
However our home is definitely in Halloween mode, and that's fall-y. Owen is going to be Spiderman for Halloween and we already have his costume (yay Costco). He asks to wear it every day, but I want it to be somewhat of a treat (no pun intended) when he wears it on the 31st. So far he's worn it twice, and looks so cute. Liam is going to be a giraffe, if we can get ourselves over to storage to root out the Halloween box. Enjoy the pix of the cutest boy below.
In other news, I joined Goodreads.com which is a totally cool website that lets you see what your "friends" are reading. If anybody cares to join me, invite me to be your friend. So far I only have about three or four books on my shelf but as anyone who knows me knows, that is the tippiest tip of the iceberg. I mainly joined to get recommendations for my next read. If you want to know what I'm reading now, you'll have to check out my bookshelf. (note to Stewart: there are no cereal boxes on my bookshelf).
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I have horrible, terrible, awful news: I lost my engagement ring. I can't even go into details because it makes me too sad. It's like a weight on my chest when I think about it. Please pray that I find it...it's irreplaceable.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
white noise
There are some things I say so often, I don't think they get heard anymore. For instance "no". Also "that's not ok", "keep your hands to yourself" and "be nice to your brother". Also sometimes I think Loren only hears me "selectively". If I had to pick the word I say the most during the day I would say, "don't", as in "don't lick the syrup off your plate", "don't push your brother over", "don't stand in the fridge", or the ever popular, "don't go outside naked".
The boy has some funny habits and ideas. I don't want to stunt his creativity, but I won't let him go out in his crazy getups. Today's choice was red shorts with a red football jersey (the kind that looks like mesh). I will however let him wear his shoes on the wrong foot when he puts them on by himself. I should try to come up with a way for him to remember which shoe goes on which foot, and I will, eventually. I try to make sure he looks good for school, decent for the park and playgroups, but at home anything goes. Sweats in the summer? Sure. Swimmers and a beanie? Go for it. Striped pirate socks and sandals? Go for it, matey.
The boy has some funny habits and ideas. I don't want to stunt his creativity, but I won't let him go out in his crazy getups. Today's choice was red shorts with a red football jersey (the kind that looks like mesh). I will however let him wear his shoes on the wrong foot when he puts them on by himself. I should try to come up with a way for him to remember which shoe goes on which foot, and I will, eventually. I try to make sure he looks good for school, decent for the park and playgroups, but at home anything goes. Sweats in the summer? Sure. Swimmers and a beanie? Go for it. Striped pirate socks and sandals? Go for it, matey.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
this never happens
Guess what?!! I got my diaper bag back! On Friday, Ann from College Pharmacy called "Liam Wortinger's Mom" to say they found my diaper bag in their garbage bin. I picked it up and it really isn't in too bad of shape, considering. I am going to call around to find a dry cleaner who has experience with these types of bags, and then we'll be back in baby mode. Right now I'm using Owen's Spiderman backpack, which is surprisingly roomy. If only I could spin a web with my hands....
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
My car got broken into tonight! Can you believe it?! And do you know what they stole...? My diaper bag! That's right - diapers, wipies, spare onesies, and sunblock. Of course the real tragedy is that it was my lovely Petunia Picklebottom diaper bag that was stolen. I hope the robber smells poop in his nose for the rest of his life. Hex on him!!!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
another year come and gone
As my 34th year begins, I do my yearly review. Some people do it at the New Year - resolutions, highs and lows, that kind of thing. I do it around my birthday. Between the cake (chocolate chip cookie cake) and the ice cream, I take time to thank God for the blessings and basically take stock. Of course the best thing this year was Liam. My resolution is always take better care of myself - get exercising and go easy on dessert. We are settling into our routine, one boy in school, and one boy newly mobile. The baby is loving his independence. I'm actually thinking about getting one of those plastic little fences to keep him safe, but I have a feeling it won't go over well with the Mister. I always thought I only wanted two kids, but now we aren't sure. We don't know if we want to try for a third, and if so, when. It's such a big decision. We knew for sure we wanted two, now...? I don't think it will be that much harder, but the costs will definitely increase: three summer camps instead of two, three private school tuitions instead of two (hopefully), and on and on. We go back and forth, but I hope to have a decision made one way or the other by my next birthday....
Friday, August 8, 2008
quick update
Again I neglect my bloggy-poo, but this has been such a busy summer. Right now Gigi, Nina, and Uncle Baron are visiting; Gigi (GrandmaElaine) is visiting from Virginia, Nina (my sis Erica) and her husband Baron are visiting from Seal Beach, and we are having a mini family reunion. Long dinners, with fancy desserts made by Baron (rasberry Chambord tonight), leisurely breakfasts with homemade jam (thank you Delores!), and lots of laughing in between. Owen is getting spoiled with late bedtimes, ice cream desserts, new Cars legos, and all the gum he can chew. I'll put up some pictures soon....
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Things are going pretty smoothly in our little realm. The boys are great, Liam ate all the sweet potato/carrot food I made him, and also the banana/yogurt mixture. Next is broccoli/green bean/potato (bought from a local farmer :-). The first time around he didn't like it, but I'm hopeful. He didn't like the sweet potatoes the first time around, but then he ate both jars. I feel so virtuous making my own baby food. I use the food processor and everything. The only thing I don't do is make a lot and freeze it in ice cube trays. That's too much work for me.
So we are deep in the middle of summer and I want to wrap my arms around it. I want to go camping, I want to go to the beach, I want to go to the fair, I want to go blueberry picking. Is that too much for the five weeks we have left of summer?
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
"animal, vegetable, miracle"
I am reading this wonderful book, "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle", by Barbara Kingsolver. I first read her fiction books ("The Bean Trees" is great) but this is nonfiction... and it's changing the way I think about food! I'm sure we are all more conscious about what we're eating, how can we not be with all the info in the news about trans fats, poisoned tomatoes, etc. I buy organic when possible, no hydrogenated oils, and have heart palpitations when my son drinks soda. Then I started reading this book, and I am inspired to become a locavore. This is a movement wherein you buy food only from local sources. If it is trucked, flown, or in any other way freighted in, then it's off the list. The purpose is to support local producers and local economy, but also to avoid increasing the amount of fuel and greenhouse gases, and wasted energy in order to ship strawberries to NY in January, or to ultra-pasteurize milk to maintain its "freshness" on its 2000 mile journey to [insert big name supermarket here]. The Kingsolver family moved to a farm in VA and began growing their own fruits and veggies, EVERYTHING they ate had to come from a local source. She even made her own cheese. I wish I could go that far, but I know I'll never do it. I can barely work up the will to make baby food (which I did tonight - two jars worth! Unfortunately my wee gourmand rejected my offering, but that's another blog). So we are not going to start making our own cheese, pasta, bread, or raising chickens; but I am going to only buy local foods, especially produce. I try not to think too hard about the lasting trauma I'm causing my son when I make him say "please", "thank you", and "may I be excused", or the numerous other ways in which I could be driving him to future psychotherapy; however I do worry about what I am putting into, and on, his body. Who knew parabens and phthalates might affect my chances for grandchildren (at the least)? There's a cool website about all the environmental hazards that could affect children. Warning: it's not for the easily paranoid. It's www.safemama.com It's interesting to read, but only in tidbits.
So I encourage you all to read this book - it's very interesting, and she mixes anecdotes with facts about the science of food, which is both enjoyable and enlightening.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
sleepless in santa paula
Our angel, Liam, has decided that sleep is not his thing. Have I mentioned this before? I thought I was so smart because he never slept in our bed (unlike his brother who slept with us until he was over a year old); I thought this way Liam will learn to sleep by himself. This worked like a charm while Liam was in his bassinet, he was sleeping six hours a night when he was a month old. Then we moved him to his big boy bed, and he knew. For a while he would "nap" from 8 until 9, then he'd stay up until 11 or 12! It was craziness. So it was time to put the hammer down. Liam is crying it out, and it is hell. It tears our hearts to hear him crying, and, crying, and crying. The first night was 55 minutes, tonight it was 50 minutes. I just hope that what I read is true - that after a week he'll get used to it and learn to put himself to sleep. I see babies doing it all the time so I know it's possible. But I can't shake the feeling that I am a bad mommy for not holding him until he falls asleep, and then not holding him all evening long until he finally sleeps. There is a part of me that feels like I should just hold him. I really hope I don't regret this later!
Monday, June 30, 2008
lovely summer nights
When I got out of the car tonight, it was the nicest, balmiest summer night. I love nights like this. It makes me feel like I live in a small mid-western farm or something. The crickets are chirping like crazy, there was a big, green grasshopper on the wall, and the stars are out in all their glory. Tomorrow we are going to set up the tent and camp outside. Owen asked Loren yesterday if we could camp outside, so we can have a campfire. He's such a sweetie, of course we said yes. We want to go "real" camping this summer so this will be a test run. We've been camping with Owen, but Liam hasn't braved the great outdoors yet. We have a new, big tent in which we should all fit, even Liam's travel bed. I'll keep you all posted.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
name dropping
So I forgot to mention that when we went to Las Vegas we saw Tana. We were there for fun, but she was there for work. I also have to say that she got me some great things from her trade show, especially a reusable shopping bag that is so big and handy - I use it all the time. The best part is that I can fold it up and put it in my purse. Unfortunately we have no pictures with Tana (I don't know why, except that she was pretty busy so we only got to see her for a couple of dinners). We love seeing Neenee, and wish she was closer!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
pro pix
Yesterday we took the boys to get their pictures taken. We don't have a studio picture of the two of them yet so we thought now would be a good time. Liam is such a smiley baby, we thought this would be a breeze. Wouldn't you know, we get the boys dressed up, get them in front of the camera... and Liam bursts into tears. For some reason, Liam didn't like taking pictures with Owen. It might have been the big fluffy fliffer-fluff that the photographer was waving in his face. When he saw those colored fluffs coming at him, his bottom lip trembled and you could see the tears starting. We managed to get really cute individual pictures, but I want "brother pictures". I'm going to give it a few weeks and try again. The pictures are great though, don't you think?
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
poor neglected blog
So much has been going on lately! We have been on the go-go-go. Vegas was a blast. We stayed at the Stratosphere, this is the third time now. Whenever we go to Vegas, we check in, then hit the Strip after a short rest. That first day, when we see the other hotels (Mirage, Caesar's Palace) I always vow to stay there the next time. We walk through the casinos, check out the pools and that's when I realize why we always stay at the Stratosphere - the pool is [basically] empty. At the Mirage the pool was FULL of people. It was standing room only, and no kids. The pool at the "S" is nice with room to swim and play. Yes, you have to drive when you want to go to the strip, but I think it's worth it. Besides we are not gamblers or drinkers (not since the boys anyway) so we are happy to swim, visit the white tigers, swim, have dinner on the Strip, then home by 10 or 11. Boring to some, fun and relaxing for us.
We also got some great tickets to a Dodger game. We invited Erica and had such a good time. I think good seats make all the difference to my enjoyment of a game. Here are some pix:
Friday, May 23, 2008
So this time last week, we were eating dinner in Las Vegas; waking up on Saturday to swim in a nice pool on a hot day. Aahhhhhh, so nice. This was a busy week, and kind of weird with regard to sleeping. Owen and Liam have been sleeping late - like past 8 am and going on 9 am. Unfortunately that is because they are waking up at night. On Tuesday Owen missed school because we didn't even wake up until 9 am (school starts at 9, we have to leave the house by 8:20). I hope last night was the culmination of the midnight wakings; Liam was up for over two hours last night. Fingers crossed! TGIF! We are going to a Dodgers game tomorrow and I have us all outfitted. Mommy got a hat, Owen got a hat and a sweatshirt, Daddy got a tshirt, and Liam has a cute Dodgers outfit. Of course there'll be pictures so look for them. xoxo
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
las vegas here we come
We are off on a mini vacation to LV. Nothing big but we are looking forward to spending time by the pool, and taking Owen to see the sights. We are going to Circus Circus and Mirage to see the animals. Hopefully he'll like it. I don't know if he's maybe too young. This is our first time taking Liam to a hotel. Until now we reserved one king size bed and slept with Owen. Now we are going to try two double beds and each take a boy. I haven't slept with Liam so I don't know how that will go. We have been strong and kept him in his own bed. Actually we just moved Liam to his crib about two weeks ago. He's doing great sleeping (mostly) through the night. So wish us luck in ol' Vegas
Sunday, May 4, 2008
After the party
Anyone who knows us knows our parties. We have big parties for just about any reason, and they are always a lot of fun. One of the best things about parties is the day after the party. That's when you get to sit around and "recover" by eating cake and snack mix, make fruit smoothies, and just sit around. Usually Emily and Donny are here so Owen gets to play with his cousins which keeps him entertained and happy. I even get to take a nice, long nap. By dinnertime I'm not even hungry because I've been snacking all day. It's just a nice, lazy day. I guess you can say, "I like the nightlife. I like to party. And I like the day after-rrrrrrr". The biggest thing we did today was put together Liam's crib. And when I say "we", I mean Loren put it together while I watched, surfed the internet, and typed this blog. But now he's done and so it's my turn to decorate. TTYL
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Who else hates low rise jeans??!!! I have a pair of jeans that I really like. They're a good, uniformly dark rinse (no whiskering to highlight my hips) and the length is perfect for wearing with sneakers or flip flops. Too bad that whenever I bend over, sit down, or squat down, my jeans ride so low that it's almost indecent. As a mommy of a toddler, I am often sitting on the floor or squatting down. When I'm in public I have to keep pulling my shirt down or my jeans up to avoid showing my undies. It's such a pain. No wonder they them "mom jeans". We have to wear those ugly high-waisters in order to function. Today I was at the park with my new moms group and I had to tuck my tshirt into my pants. I bought a cute pair of khakis the other day, only to find out that they are butt show-ers. Aarrggghh! It's so frustrating to try to dress cute. I don't wear sweatsuits, leggings, capris, or shorts (unless it's really hot outside) so all that's left is jeans and khakis. I wish someone would make normal pants with normal waists. Who likes the stupid low rise style anyway? And don't even get me started on ultra low rise (I saw these at Old Navy).
Friday, April 18, 2008
Terrible Threes
I don't know why they call it the terrible twos. Owen had a great first and second year. This year, his third year, is the trying one. He is great for the most part but sometimes he pulls some doozies. Yesterday he unraveled a roll of toilet paper and threw all of it into the toilet. Luckily I got there before he flushed it. (This also explained why the toilet was clogged last week). If he's unsupervised, and quiet, it's a good bet he's up to no good. Today I was changing Liam, and Owen was suspiciously quiet. I found him "brushing his teeth" with about a pound of Winnie-the-Pooh toothpaste and Daddy's toothbrush. I laugh after the fact, but it doesn't seem so funny at the time. Like when I he showed me how he packed his suitcase: he took ALL of his clothes out of his dresser and stuffed it into his Thomas the Tank Engine suitcase. Even that wasn't so bad the first time; it was the third and fourth time he did it that started taxing my patience. Almost every night Loren and I laugh about the crazy things Owen has done or said that day. I wish we had cameras going all the time so we could save these years. They are sometimes manic, most often sweet, and sadly, quickly forgotten. I think I will remember these times forever, but that's not how it works.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
hideous guilty pleasure
I watch "The Real Housewives of New York City". There. I've said it and now it's out in the open. That is one thing I probably would not have told anyone, but I had to tell. It's gruesome. These women are vapid. Actually they're worse than that because they think they aren't airheads. I've been thinking about why I watch this show. I don't normally like reality t.v. (does "Dancing with the Stars" count as reality t.v.?) but i watched the Housewives of NY show once and now whenever I'm flipping through the channels, if I find it I watch it. I try to have an excuse, like I'm feeding Liam and therefore can't change the channel (lol). But mainly I watch it because it's like people watching. I love people watching. I love to get coffee and sit and stare. The most important accessory is dark sunglasses. If you don't have sunglasses then it's not worth doing...because you can't really watch people. They'll see you looking and wonder why you're staring at them. Watching the Housewives of NY is like people watching, only I don't have to wear sunglasses.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
some of my favorite things:
1. My two angels: Sugarface and Angelface, aka Little Bear and Baby Bear
2. Uggs on a cold night, while sitting around the firepit outside
3. Madeira from the V. Sattui winery in Napa (Loren brought some home last summer and I had to wait until Thanksgiving to open it. Even now I can only have a glass here and there)
4. Getting newsy emails
5. The caramel apple muffins from Costco
6. The new Canon Rebel digital camera (which I am hoping to get for Christmas this year)
7. My new, fancy iPod Touch. It's only 8 gigs but that's enough for me. I kind of want the iPhone but am ok with the Touch for now.
8. The Manic Mommies podcast. It's cute and they have some interesting guests.
9. Knitting (and I'm going to finish my scarf before summer :-)
10. Making lists
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
blogging during the day
Liam is getting tired of amusing himself so this will be quick. I am excited because we just signed Owen up for swim lessons. I think it will be so cute. I have to buy pool shoes so he doesn't get foot fungus. It's not a "mommy and me" class so I hope they will let me video. Of course we will take pictures. We are the "parent-razzi" after all. When Owen took his ski lesson we were out in full force: Dad was working one digital camera, Loren had the video camera, and I had the second digital camera.
So the other day Owen said something so cute. I wanted to him to go for a walk with me. He didn't want to go and I told him I needed a big boy to come with me. He wanted Liam can go with me, but since he's just a baby, he could pretend to be a big boy. I wish I had a photographic, videographic memory so I could ensure I would remember all these adorable moments.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
1st big milestone
Liam is sitting up! He did it for the first time last night, and today he did it a couple more times. I can't believe it. It seems so soon. I just started feeding him rice cereal and maybe that gave him the strength he needed to hold his torso up :-) He really likes to eat so I am thinking of bringing on some other foods. I know the docs say to wait until six months but I might start with pears just because he has a pooping problem (in that he doesn't poop regularly). Our pediatrician recommends pear juice to make Liam poop; he calls it "baby blowout juice". It hasn't worked so far but only because Liam won't drink from a bottle. He's been breastfed since birth and now doesn't want the fake nipple. Since he seems to prefer the "real thing" maybe he'll eat the pear baby food I will make.
I'm typing this after everyone has gone to bed, and I hate staying up alone. I hear weird sounds that always seem to be someone trying to break in, or the bogeyman, or something else that is scary. I'm going to bed now before I freak myself out even more. XOXO
Sunday, March 30, 2008
home again
We're home. I love being on vacation. I've never been the type who wishes to be home again, and to sleep in my own bed. I love being away. I love the vagary of traveling, even being bored on vacation beats being bored at home. I just love the difference in pace that comes from being away. Until my kids are in school, I hope that we are able to take off whenever we can. With Loren as a teacher we have a lot more freedom to go away and we like to take advantage to go to Oregon, or Ensenada, or even on a cross country trip. I think last year was the first year we didn't drive across the country since 1999. We like car trips. Unfortunately it's not as easy, nor as much fun with two little boys. When we drive to Bend we drive at night which is not the same.
Bend was great as always, and this time we made it to Portland which is a fantastic city. We spent a couple of days in the city and on the last day we drove out to Multnomah Falls in the Columbia River Gorge. What gorgeous country! (no pun intended) We would love to live out somewhere like that. It's "country" but only 20 minutes from the city of Portland. Here are pictures from our Portland adventure:
Thursday, March 20, 2008
road trip
We are headed off on a road trip tonight. Oregon here we come! We are leaving this evening and we drive all night. We've made this trip two or three times and that is how we do it so that Owen can sleep for most of the drive. Otherwise he would have to sit for so long that he gets uncomfortable and antsy. Frankly it makes it easier on everyone except Loren, who drives most of the way and most of the night.
So it's Friday and we have arrived in Redmond, OR. We are resting today. I have to get my order into the Easter Bunny so he knows that Owen and Liam are in OR and to make sure their baskets get brought to the right house :-) We are going to Mt. Bachelor tomorrow to play in the snow and maybe get in some skiing. Owen can take lessons now and I think it will be adorable to see him snowboarding. I'll definitely post that video!
ps: I am putting out a call for pics from Liam's baptism. If you have any please burn a CD and send it to me!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
sickie boy
It's so sad, Liam has the croup. It's AWFUL! He's had it for almost a week now and it's not really getting any better. Wednesday was supposed to be the peak but I don't see an improvement. The worst part is he can't breathe during his coughing attacks, sometimes his lips even turn blue!!! I looked it up on the web and there really isn't any cure, just relief. We have the humidifier running all night. Even just now I had to run to his bed to lift him to help him breathe easier. It's frightening and heartbreaking to see him cough and struggle to breathe. We go for his four month checkup Monday morning and that appointment can't come soon enough! Thank goodness he's fine otherwise. When he's not coughing he's in a happy mood. Here's a picture from last week. I think he looks kinda like one of those Anne Geddes babies.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Much has happened since the last post. I wrote a while ago that I was going to re-enroll Owen in the co-op where he goes this year, but I changed my mind and registered him at VMS. I actually had to wake up on Monday and get in line at 6:30 am, AND I was number 18 in line. The other people must have arrived before dawn. When I got there, it was dark and cold. The other parents and I had a shared camaraderie as we talked about the different preschools. There were four spots available for the two day a week preschool class for 3 year olds. I got the last spot for Owen (!) and I am on the waiting list for the three day a week class. We are very happy with this decision, but I still haven't told his current school that we are not returning. I feel bad, like a defector.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
School Daze
I can't believe it's already March! More than that, I can't believe that I already have to decide where to send Owen to preschool. I have to decide by FRIDAY whether he should continue at his current preschool, or whether we want to switch to a different school (with a different methodology). I like his current school, pvcp, because they are very child-centric. The academics are subtle, very much a "learning through play" philosophy - kind of like a montessori. I like that, I think it's good that he has this time to play rather than sit down and learn how to write. He will have sooooo many years of black and white learning. But am I doing him a disservice by not putting him in a school with more focus on academics? That is my biggest doubt when I think about keeping him at pvcp. And it's not that he won't learn anything at this school, it's just a different type of learning. And the truth is I think the most important things he can learn in these next two years before school is how to play with other kids, and how to follow directions. My friend J. is a kindergarten teacher and she once told me that kids who come in knowing how to sit, and how to socialize are kind of ahead of the game. She can teach them to read, etc. but it's a lot harder to teach them to follow instructions. On top of that, I feel like it's part of my job as a stay-at-home mom to work with him on letters, etc. I am proud that he knows all his letters, shapes, colors, and numbers. He can spell his name and he recognizes some words on sight (mommy, daddy, hykel, papa, mama, and we're working on Liam). I am going to tour a different preschool (VM) tomorrow morning and the receptionist told me that the spots in the three day and five day preschool classes are filled, and there are only four spots open for the two day class, AND that people start lining up a couple of hours before school opens up on Open Registration day to get the available spots. This is a lot of pressure for preschool! I've heard of parents who sign up their kids for preschool as soon as they find out they are pregnant, but I didn't think that would be the case here in VC. I actually had a mom tell me that it was important to get your child into a good pre-preschool because otherwise you wouldn't be able to get them into that good preschool. The crazy thing is that it's true. I am happy at our preschool, especially because it's a co-op so I am as involved as I want (or don't want) to be. But I can't help but wonder... would I like the program at VM more? Or do I only think that because the spots are unavailable??? Maybe it's like they say - you want what you can't have. I think I will keep Owen at his little school and join the school board next year. Anyone have an 18 month old-2 years, 9 months old child they want to enroll? I am the Toddler Membership Coordinator (on the school board) next year. As always life in our tiny kingdom is exciting and lovable. I will try to put some pictures up for next time. Liam's baptism is Saturday so we should have some good pics (and stories) from that event. XOXO
Friday, February 29, 2008
I was reading an article with a celebrity who said she read books to her kids at night, and was talking about how they read so many books, fourteen or fifteen at a time. I always wonder when I read things like that - what time do they start bedtime? We read four or five books, depending on the type of book. Fifteen books would take us two hours to read. If it's a little paperback (e.g. Diego saves the Sloth) we can read five or six because they are very easy. I think those books are too easy for Owen and would rather read something more complex. I tried to get him interested in Kipling's Just So Stories but the language was a little too arcane. We just checked out the Henry and Mudge books from the library and he likes them. I like that they are longer chapter books so maybe he can move onto the next level of reading (listening?) comprehension. Ironically the actress who bragged about reading a thousand books a night also keyed me into Henry and Mudge. We are big readers so we are so happy Owen likes reading too. Another book we checked out was Madeline which I don't think I ever read. What a cute story! And I love the pictures (lithographs?)! I'm excited to get some of the other Madeline stories. Anybody who would like to leave the names of their favorite books would be appreciated by us. XOXO!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
woo hoo!
Yay! I was able to upload my Owen video to YouTube. Now let's see if I can post it here...
Success - Hooray!! Now tell me if this is isn't the cutest thing you've ever seen!
Monday, February 25, 2008
I tried to post a video of Owen singing "itsy bitsy spider" but I couldn't get my video to upload. I tried uploading directly to this blog, and I tried using Youtube but nothing worked. You all will have to imagine in your head how cute it is, meanwhile I'll keep trying.
So a funny thing happened on the way to bed Saturday night. I went to check on Owen before going to bed. I opened his door and he was lying in bed with no clothes on! No diaper, no jammies, nothing. Apparently he had peed in his diaper and it woke him up (good thing) so he took everything off (bad thing). It was really funny at the time. I called Loren and we took pictures and everything. It wasn't as cute when it happened again at 4 am. Or again this morning. He's totally potty trained during the day, but he still has to wear a diaper at night when he sleeps. Apparently all our talk about being a big boy and going pee pee in the potty has sunk in a little too well. We'll see what happens tonight.
Speaking of tonight, I think it's a little crazy that it's quarter to eleven at night and both boys are still awake. I have no idea what is going with Owen. We put him to bed at 8, by the time Loren read him his stories and sang his songs it was almost nine. Why in the world is he still awake???
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Saturday Morning
This Saturday morning is different from every other in that Papa Johnson is not here to make the big breakfast. No waking up to the smell of sauteed onions, or the sound of Owen and Papa choosing which color guts to put in the pancakes. Mama and Papa Johnson have taken off on their European adventure leaving the Wortingers alone in our tiny kingdom. As I was eating my current favorite cereal, Just the Clusters Maple Pecan Granola, I decided to create a blog. Any who read this will share in the joys and travails of a Mommy and her three boys (two boys and a Daddy).
So with a whole weekend stretching out in front of us, the possibilities are endless. Fun and games will prevail, but we also have some work (i.e. errands) to do namely...Costco. I know what you're thinking "Costco on a Saturday??!!" but needs must. Loren is off and it's so much easier shopping with kids when there is another adult. So aside from Costco, my goals for this weekend are to fix Owen's bookcase (which I broke trying to redecorate his room. Blame it on too much HGtv), and to find a way to label his clothes (other than using a Sharpie). If anyone has a suggestion I would love to hear what worked for you.
That's news from our tiny kingdom. XOXO
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